jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Brotherhood of Ntra. Mrs. del Rocío de Osuna

Dear brothers and devotees of the Brotherhood of Ntra. Mrs. del Rocío de Osuna, we remain confined in this difficult situation that has touched us to live and great days are coming for our Brotherhood, the preparatory cults for the Feast of Pentecost 2020 are approaching. 

The Triduo begins on Thursday, April 30, extending on Friday and Saturday at 20:10 hours, to finish as is traditional on Sunday with the Main Function at 11:30 hours and then the Rociero Proclamation.
Faced with the impossibility of celebrating them like these 32 years ago in our Convent of Carmen, we have to adapt to the means and resources that we have, so we will bring you the Triduo in honor of our sacred Holder, the Blessed Virgin of The Rocío through this our Facebook page. 

The procedure shall be as follows:

1. Each day of Triduo will be raised at 20:10 hours (after the applause):
- Prayer of the Holy Rosary
- Triduo Exercise
- Readings and Psalm
- Preces
- Thanksgiving
- Salve Final 

2. Sunday at 11:30 a.m.:
- Salve sung
- Communiqué of the de Rocío de Osuna 2020, Ms. Isabel Dueñas Molero.
- Instagram profile: hdadrociodeosuna
- YouTube Account: Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Osuna Spray

Without further a way, we wish that we can live in Brotherhood a fruitful Triduo but separated by distance. Stay with the Virgin of The Rocío!!

Brotherhood of the Rocío de Sanlúcar de Barrameda


Immersed in this special pilgrimage and as you know, the Brotherhood of the Rocío de Sanlúcar de Barrameda since this pandemic began is working on helping those who need it most in the collaboration with Caritas Parroquial and Interparroquial and the Solid kitchen Ntra. Mrs. del Carmen with the monthly financial contribution we have established. In addition, we have acquired a stockpile of food to meet and meet the needs of the above institutions mentioned, as well as any brother of our Brotherhood who needs it.

Knowing of the solidarity of the rociero world and especially that of the sanctimonious rocieros, we urge all the brothers, meetings, rocks, as well as all the groups of our Brotherhood and the rociero world in general to join this Romería Solidaria with its collaboration and contribution, taking into account that everything will be channelled by the Delegation of Charity for the Social Work of the Brotherhood , which we have as a priority at the moment.

We must all ensure that the Brotherhood can help the neediest in our city, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, from the principles of Christian charity.

Due to the close collaboration with the institutions of our city, we are knowledgeists of the channels so that all contributions have the best purpose, making this, our Brotherhood, a great family of solidarity among all.

Likewise, for this purpose, the Brotherhood provides for any financial contribution the following account number:

• ES12-2100-2652-7402-1009-3593

As they can also bring any supplies of food and necessities in our facilities and thus add it to the warehouse or food bank of Our Brotherhood, contacting you through the following phone numbers:

• 696 01 07 27 (Rafael Gálvez- Big Brother)

• 686 40 19 18 (Rosa Dominguez- Delegate of Charity)

• 626 99 42 51 (José Manuel Virlán- Mayordomo)

All contributors will be inscribed in the history of our Brotherhood in this Solidarity Rome 2020, being reflected in the books of minutes of the Brotherhood.
We can all do it!


Brotherhood of the Cerro del Aguila


Our journey begins, today more than ever the spraying faith is crossing borders and we, the brothers of The Rocío del Cerro del Aguila, have to be a faithful reflection of it.

We will continue to dress our wagon as every year with flowers to Our Lady, on this occasion we flood our wagon of solidarity flowers, for the sick, for the most vulnerable, for our Brothers and neighbors who need us most.

The Governing Board, at the request of the Priostía Team, has decided that any donations raised for this 2020 flowering should be used to help those most in need.

To do this we go on to give the NCC enabled for this: ES35 2100 7947 2322 0004 7731.

No matter how little help it is, a wagon of love will be filled with flowers of solidarity for the Mother of God.

Remember to indicate in the concept:

"Help COVID-19".

Brothers, friends, family and devotees: Our Lady knows that we are always there.

Help us help, among all of us, we will get out of this situation.

Long live the Virgin of The Rocío!!


miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Almonte Spray Matrix Brotherhood

Despite the extension of the State of Alarm and the confinement that we are living, the Matrix Brotherhood of Almonte has presentedthe poster announcing the liturgical celebration of Pentecost this year, in which the light; the one we are looking for at the end of this pandemic, takes a primary role, in a composition created in watercolor and acrylic, by the young pacense artist José Tomás Pérez Indiano.
Under the circumstances and with Ntra Parish. Mrs. de la Asunción de Almonte closed, the poster was made public through her social networks this morning. Pérez Indiano, has shown his appreciation for this commission and the "honour" that has intended to make this poster in a year that there will be no Pilgrimage, but Rocío, "always with the Virgin and with faith in her", and whose work has donated to the Matrix Brotherhood so that it can thicken the Charity Exchange at these times so complicated for many families.
In the work emerges the face of the Blessed Virgin of the Rocío and her Blessed Son in a golden of white and blue tones and crowned by the flame of Pentecost. Flames that spring from the Holy Spirit and that poses his Divine Gifts in the Blessed Virgin. The one that prevails over pain and that floods everything with Hope. In an allegory to the triumph of Mary, Virgin and Mother of The Rocío.
We see on the left as an angel bearing the simpet of the Matrix Brotherhood, represents the triumph of good over evil, symbol of Hope, emerging from light and over darkness, wounding with divine spear to evil, symbolized in a dragon that bites the symbol of Covid-19, which means the triumph of Life.
And on the right, God above all that is created. An already historical image that occurred a few days ago, when the parish priest of Almonte exposed the Blessed Sacrament to the gates of the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, to bless all the rociero orb, expressed in a vapority that focuses the image on the Blessed Sacrament and on the Virgin of Rocío.
Finally and in the center, below, a beam of light that emerges from the path to True God. An allegory of the Rocío Way that aims to God through his Blessed Mother of the Rocío. It is here that the Divine Little Shepherd emerges from the light and concentrates it in it, causing everything to emerge and depart from his divinity. And a little further down silhouettes of pilgrims on foot and on horseback and the figure of a drummer who, without definition, indicate the history and living flame of all rosemary, pilgrims and the rociero orb on his only true path to light.
In the poster's labeling, three colours have been chosen: black, in a sign of mourning for those who died for this pandemic, many, rocers of various sororities; the green which is the color of hope and the Eucharistic red. And the word Romería has been dispensed with, because it is what is suspended, highlighting the liturgical feast that, in honor of the Blessed Virgin of the Rocío, we celebrate.

About the author

José Tomás Pérez Indiano is an Academic of Merit of the Bonifaiana Academy of the Vatican. His fondness for painting and drawing began from an early age, interested as he was in classical, taurine and religious painting mainly.

His paintings have illustrated posters and covers of magazines of patron saints and pilgrimages. His works can be found in much of the Spanish geography, especially in private collections throughout the national geography, Mexico and the USA, among others.

The work of this young artist from Valencia del Ventoso is summed up in a very personal style, innovating with new techniques and making his work a courageous and risky composition. Brave and daring in his Taurine creations and with a very strong burden on symbolism in his sacred creations. This is the so-called painter of Freshness and Light.

Almonte Spray Matrix Brotherhood


We are launching a solidarity campaign, from our Delegation of Charity, for food collection.

We provide you with three ways to collaborate:

By means of a donation on the account number that appears on the poster and we take care of the purchase of the food.

Through the delivery of food, from May 9 in our Brotherhood House.

Acquiring in our online store those that we have called solidarity items (cartel del Rocío, balconera and bracelet). https://hermandadmatrizrocio.org/tienda/



Moguer Rocío Brotherhood

To celebrate Easter of Pentecost, we propose you to adorn your balconies with this hanging. 

If you want yours, you can order it from wassap to 665837303, via a message on this page or by contacting a member of the Governing Board.

Let's live El Rocío from our homes.

Umbrete Spray Brotherhood

Given the circumstances in which we are all in our confined homes, from the Young Group we launch this proposal to enliven the confinement of the little ones.
It is a craft contest divided into two categories in which you can participate as many times as you want as long as you follow the instructions that you are quoted below.

You only have to pass on your proposals:

- WhatsApp: +34 633 102 653

- Email: gjrocioumbrete@gmail.com

Together and united with the help of our Mother, we will come out of this.

Good luck to you all!