jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Brotherhood of Ntra. Mrs. del Rocío de Osuna

Dear brothers and devotees of the Brotherhood of Ntra. Mrs. del Rocío de Osuna, we remain confined in this difficult situation that has touched us to live and great days are coming for our Brotherhood, the preparatory cults for the Feast of Pentecost 2020 are approaching. 

The Triduo begins on Thursday, April 30, extending on Friday and Saturday at 20:10 hours, to finish as is traditional on Sunday with the Main Function at 11:30 hours and then the Rociero Proclamation.
Faced with the impossibility of celebrating them like these 32 years ago in our Convent of Carmen, we have to adapt to the means and resources that we have, so we will bring you the Triduo in honor of our sacred Holder, the Blessed Virgin of The Rocío through this our Facebook page. 

The procedure shall be as follows:

1. Each day of Triduo will be raised at 20:10 hours (after the applause):
- Prayer of the Holy Rosary
- Triduo Exercise
- Readings and Psalm
- Preces
- Thanksgiving
- Salve Final 

2. Sunday at 11:30 a.m.:
- Salve sung
- Communiqué of the de Rocío de Osuna 2020, Ms. Isabel Dueñas Molero.
- Instagram profile: hdadrociodeosuna
- YouTube Account: Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Osuna Spray

Without further a way, we wish that we can live in Brotherhood a fruitful Triduo but separated by distance. Stay with the Virgin of The Rocío!!